TELEPHONE: (434) 326-4672 FAX: (434) 971-4795

Charlottesville Redevelopment & Housing Authority Is Announcing the Opening and Closing of the Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List

CRHA Housing Choice Voucher waiting list will be open from Monday, April 3, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. through Friday,

April 7, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. for on-line pre-applications only.

Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List Will Accept Pre-Applications

*Pre-Applications received before April 3rd, will not be accepted.

*One pre-application per head of household will be allowed.

*Pre-applications are available on-line only.

*No paper pre-applications will be available or accepted.

To Apply On-Line 4/3/2023 through 04/7/2023, visit:

You must register a portal account using a personal email address. To register your portal account visit:

To Request Reasonable Accommodation, please submit your written request on or before 04/07/2023.

Mail Request for Reasonable Accommodations To:

Cơ quan tái phát triển và nhà ở Charlottesville

Attn: HCV Waiting List Pre-Application

715 6th Street SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 or 1000 South First Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Email Request To: [email protected]

With Questions, Call Raquel Jackson at 434-422-9218 or 434-227-9947 agency cell phone

Request must include Name, Address, and Current Phone Number

Submission of a pre-application does not guarantee a family a spot on the waiting list. Due to the high level of interest in this open waiting list, CRHA will process all completed applications.

There is never a fee to apply for rental assistance programs operated by the Charlottesville Redevelopment & Housing Authority.

CRHA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or union affiliations in any of its federally assisted programs and activities.


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Bắt đầu với tài khoản của bạn

để lưu những ngôi nhà yêu thích của bạn và nhiều hơn nữa

Bằng cách nhấp vào nút «ĐĂNG KÝ», bạn đồng ý với Điều khoản sử dụng và Chính sách bảo mật
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