Keep Pushing!

Crescent Halls Resumes Construction
We are pleased to announce that Breeden Construction has resumed the renovation of Crescent Halls and is poised to complete this historic effort in a matter of months. We are grateful that they are able to step in to finish this work begun by a different contractor. Many of the key sub-contractors are being retained, an important goal in determining a path forward (this allows us to make sure all warranties are still in place). Priorities for work include completing all ADA apartments, finishing the 2nd and 3rd floors, finishing the tub rooms, and adjusting door weights to suit residents.
Residents have been using the amazing new community spaces some and we are looking forward to more and more enjoyment of the building.
If you would like to provide a welcome home gift, please follow the link to the amazon wish list.









South First Street Phase 1 – Final Inspections!
We are days away from completing this work! This week Virginia Housing will be doing their final inspection of the property to make sure we have met our obligations to build 62 quality affordable homes in 3 buildings with a beautiful community center. Among the final tweaks are new light posts, and a re-working of the dumpster pad- residents will be grateful to have these addressed. We are re-connecting with our partners at Computers 4 Kids to resource the computer lab with newer equipment than previously planned. The community center is open and accessible to all residents.

South First Street Phase 2 – Early Demolition on the Horizon
After successfully reformatting the site plan to reduce costs and increase functionality, the team is busily preparing all aspects of the plan for construction to begin in April. HUD granted a waiver to allow for demolition to begin before the new subsidy layering review, this means as soon as we are able we will begin demolition of the existing 58 units to make way for 113 homes of all bedroom sizes, a community center, and CRHA offices. The re-worked site plan still meets the vision of the Resident Planners while being more cost effective and has increased product value.

Sixth Street – Still on Schedule!

We are very excited to report that the team and all of our partners have kept the effort for “Building A” on schedule. Grimm and Parker and the team have worked diligently to ready Construction and Contract Documents and we have submitted the “Section 18”  demo/dispo application to HUD for removing 6 apartments and replacing with 47 homes in a beautiful new building with generous community spaces including a neighborhood health clinic. We have selected Martin Horn as the General Contractor and we anticipate construction beginning in March 2024. In addition, Residents have evaluated a master plan for the rest of the site and are ready to move forward with design the second phase of Sixth Street which will include townhomes and a small garden style apartment building. Residents have been working through choosing a new name for the site over these past few months and a final poll is underway to determine the new name.

Westhaven Seeking an Architect!
Having spent most of the past year learning and experimenting, residents are now in the full-on planning and decision-making process. CRHA and our partners issued a solicitation for an Architect and responses have been submitted- a major step towards beginning this historic process. Through the winter Residents will be evaluating potential Architect teams as will the selection panel. Resident Planners will also be vetting big ideas and working on building partnerships with service and programming organizations and the entire community will be engaged on services and program spaces, hopefully to have priorities known and in place as we begin to design a master plan.

Parallel Track Exteriors Complete!
Exterior improvements to Madison Ave, Michie Drive, and Riverside Ave are mostly wrapped up for the time being. We are excited to have brought this long-term effort into reality. Among the improvements have been siding, roofs, and windows improving curb appeal and improving energy efficiency. Completed in the past month were playgrounds and site amenities. This was all possible due to the focused use of HUD Capital Funds, the contributions for the Affordable Housing Group and the vigorous participation of residents of these sites. Moving through winter, residents will be discussing the Capital Fund Plan for the coming year. CRHA plans to begin a major upgrade to HVAC and electrical systems on these sites, finally bringing central A/C to these homes built in the 1980s.In 2024 we will work with residents to fully re-design kitchens.


Get Involved in Making History!
Key meeting dates and events

CRHA Board of Commissioners meetings
4th Monday of every month at 6 pm
Next meeting is tonight! 11/27/23 at City Space. Please follow the link if you would like to join virtually:

CRHA Redevelopment Committee
First Thursday of every other month at 3:00 pm, next meeting is Thursday 12/7 at 3:00 pm

Site specific Sub-Committee meetings
Please drop a line to Brandon at [email protected] to learn how to get involved.

The CRHA Resident Services Committee
Second Tuesday of each month at 1 pm, next meeting is 12/12 at 1 pm
Via Zoom:
One click dial in: +13126266799,,95147780948#
The committee works with residents and community partners to coordinate programs and services requested by and for CRHA residents.

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