The Housing Choice Vouchers program is a vital resource for very low-income families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities to access safe and decent housing in the private market. Administered locally by public housing agencies like CRHA, with funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this program allows participants to choose their own housing, whether it be a single-family home, townhouse, or apartment.

Participants are not limited to subsidized housing projects, giving them the freedom to find a unit that meets their needs and preferences. Families issued a housing voucher are responsible for finding a suitable housing unit where the owner agrees to participate in the program. The unit must meet minimum health and safety standards set by the public housing agency.

Eligibility is determined based on the total annual gross income and family size and is limited to US citizens and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status. In general, the family’s income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family chooses to live. By law, a public housing association must provide 75 percent of its voucher to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30 percent of the area median income. Median income levels are published by HUD.

During the application process, the public housing agency will collect information on family income, assets, and family composition. It will verify this information with other local agencies, your employer and bank, and will use the information to determine program eligibility and the amount of the housing assistance payment.

If the agency determines that your family is eligible, it will put your name on a waiting list, unless it is able to assist you immediately. Once your name is reached on the waiting list, the public housing agency will contact you and issue to you a housing voucher.

The Housing Choice Vouchers program is a crucial lifeline for those in need of affordable housing options. While CRHA’s HCV waitlist is currently closed, it is worthwhile to educate yourself on the process. For more information, follow this link to our HCV page.

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