The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority is pleased to announce it’s been selected to receive a
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Jobs Plus Grant in the amount of $1,600,000. CRHA is one of 14 agencies chosen for
this substantial amount.

This grant is designated to serve CRHA’s Westhaven community with the aim of increasing earnings and
تعزيز نتائج التوظيف للمقيمين.

The Jobs Plus grant program, through locally-based, job-driven initiatives, seeks to combat poverty among
public housing residents by providing incentives for employment and offering a range of support services.

These services include job placement assistance, counseling, education advancement and financial guidance.
The ultimate goal is to empower residents to achieve economic independence.

CRHA extends its gratitude to HUD for the opportunity to participate in the Jobs Plus program and is
committed to utilizing the grant effectively.

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